Saturday, October 24, 2009

PUSHing on YouTube

Posted on 08:09 by SlipKoRnSaad

Submission of push entries only closed a few days ago, here are some inventive videos up on YouTube.

‘KAPing with the N900′ – a project to control the movement and actions of a camera:

‘Sketch your world – Nokia PUSH!’ – fun idea for hooking the N900 up to an Etch-a-Sketch:

‘The Pignocchio Bank! – Nokia Push!’ – a piggy bank that counts your cash and draws graphs:

‘push_nbutton v3′ – an idea for interfacing a game-control system with the N900:

‘push_nbutton v1′ – another great idea from freakingtux

‘The Tramchan mobile robot’ – a robot that cleans crumbs from your table

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