Monday, January 24, 2011

Ready to squeeze ANNOYING ORANGE to a pulp?

Posted on 22:18 by SlipKoRnSaad

Well, i'm one of the few people that have received a little surprise today (thanks WOMWorldNokia) and it was a Chatterboxing package of the ANNOYING ORANGE !!!

Swag Contents: Carry Bag, T-Shirt, 1GB Pen Drive, Annoying Orange Street Ball, Annoying Orange Card, Wrist Strap

And if you're pretty curious how the conversations will go, here're funny examples about my little chat test with it (of course on my lovely N900) ! Enjoy (Apple jokes inside) !

More to come, stay tuned ;)

Ps : Don't forget to link back to the source if you want to share those pictures (Of course snapped with my lovely N8) or screenshots, i have no time to attach a watermark ^^