Hello folks ! To continue the
series of symbian^3 hacking and mods, it's time to present you the
little bomb dropped by CODeRUS
Requirements :
Hacked Symbian^3 device
- QT 4.7.3
RomPatcher3 for S^3 can:
- take patches from
patches dir on drives
Z, F, E, C
- apply good patches
- do not display bad patches
- autorun and apply patches
- show patches info
Tricks and tips:
- lamp-patch activator
- switcher-autostart
- duck-patch info
- other elements are texted =)
Something else:
Application only for hacked S^3 phones
- Can be installed on any drive
- Drives have priority from Z to C
- Old symbian patches wont work
- New patches will be made as soon as possible
- Application include 2 patches: open4all and Remove Recording Tone