Hello folks ! It's time for some modding to make the most out from your symbian^3 smartphone !
With S^3 Multiple Mods v7.00
you can have the benefit from 58 mods
without even hacking your phone !
All you have to do is to :
1. Download
S^3 Multiple Mods v7.00.
Sign the .sis with your own cert.
3. Run the signed .sis.
4. Select the mods that you like to install.
5. REBOOT the phone.
So what can we do with it?
For Mods #01,#02 ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.
01. KS Type A Improvement Recommended!
- Improve on Kinetic Scrolling, original mods from previous version now your list will be easier/faster/longer on kinetic scroll (you wil SURE feel the different).
02. KS Type B Improvement
- Improve on Kinetic Scrolling, NEW KS mods from PimpJuice mods which make the kinetic scrolling very fast and won't slow down (credit to PimpJuice's mods).
03. UI Improvement - Experiment Mod Recommended!
- Improve UI responsiveness, mods been fine tuned, changed the default FPS from 67FPS to 72FPS and max processing power from 75% to 90% (credit to faenil's mods).
04. Camera Sound Mute Recommended!
- Enable the camera sound to be mute when warning tone been turn off.
For Mods #05,#06 ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.
05. N8 Continuous AutoFocus Recommended!
- You will have an EXTRA option under Video Setting that enable the Continuous AF during video.
06. E7/C7 Video Mods
- Mods for E7/C7/C6-01 video, enhance zoom steps and increase night mode FPS.
For Mods #07,#08,#09,#10,#11,#12,#13,#14,#15,#16 ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.
07. N8 Pic/Vid (100/30FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 100/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
08. N8 Pic/Vid (097/30FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
09. N8 Pic/Vid (095/30FPS) Recommended!
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 95/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
10. N8 Pic/Vid (097/25FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video remain 25FPS with capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
11. N8 Pic/Vid (085/30FPS)
- Photo quality remain as original 85/75/60, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
12. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (100/30FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 100/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
13. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (097/30FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
14. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (095/30FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 95/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
15. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (097/25FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video remain 25FPS with capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
16. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (085/30FPS)
- Photo quality remain as original 85/75/60, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.
17. Photo Gallery Folders Recommended!
- Photo Gallery Folders excluded lots of folders path (please take note some of the folders path are hardcoded to be scan and can't be excluded from listing).
18. Music Gallery Folders Recommended!
- Music Gallery Folders excluded lots of folders path (please take note some of the folders path are hardcoded to be scan and can't be excluded from listing).
For Mods #19,#20, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.
19. Browser's Cache (D:\)
- Change the default browser cache folder from C: to D: and set the amount to 32MB, actual effects need those HEAVY internet users feedback.
20. Browser's Cache (E:\) Recommended!
- Change the default browser cache folder from C: to E: and set the amount to 32MB, actual effects need those HEAVY internet users feedback.
For Mods #21,#22,#23, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.
21. Start/Shut (C:\Animations)
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in C:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in C:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.
22. Start/Shut (E:\Animations) Recommended!
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in E:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in E:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.
23. Start/Shut (F:\Animations)
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in F:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in F:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.
24. Start/Shut Vol 90% Recommended!
- Increase the Startup/Shutdown default volume from 40% to 90%.
25. Voice Recorder (12H/256kbps/Stereo) Recommended!
- Set the default Voice Recorder to high quality recording (from 64kbps to 256kbps) and increase the max duration of the recording clip from 60mins to 720mins.
26. Music Player Volumn/Heap Mods (100%/32MB) Recommended!
- Experiment mods, no significant effect after the mods.
27. Context Data Object Maximum Size Mod Recommended!
- Experiment mods, no significant effect after the mods.
28. Light Sensor Disable
- Totally disable the Light Sensor, LCD will have 100% brightness all the time (will dim ONLY in power safe mode)
29. Haptics Improvement Recommended!
- Lower the vibration and fine tune level 1/2/3 haptics feedback (not must different as i can tell)
30. Vibration Alert Improvement Recommended!
- Same goes with haptics mods, can't really feel big different
31. Camera Full Shutdown (RAM) Recommended!
- Camera apps will fully shutdown once you close the apps (won't remain in the memory), but the N8 have better camera apps as the total shutdown and without only make ~1Mb ram saving (not like what we see in 5800xm as it's camera apps are memory *****)
32. Message Full Shutdown (RAM)
- Message apps will fully shutdown once you close the apps (won't remain in the memory), no significant RAM saving and not sure it will causing others conflict or not (use at your own risk!).
33. Logs Full Shutdown (RAM)
- Logs apps will fully shutdown once you close the apps (won't remain in the memory), no significant RAM saving and not sure it will causing others conflict or not (use at your own risk!).
34. Calendar Full Shutdown (RAM)
- Calendar apps will fully shutdown once you close the apps (won't remain in the memory), no significant RAM saving and not sure it will causing others conflict or not (use at your own risk!).
35. Clock Full Shutdown (RAM)
- Clock apps will fully shutdown once you close the apps (won't remain in the memory), no significant RAM saving and not sure it will causing others conflict or not (use at your own risk!).
36. Contacts Full Shutdown (RAM)
- Contacts apps will fully shutdown once you close the apps (won't remain in the memory), no significant RAM saving and not sure it will causing others conflict or not (use at your own risk!).
37. Fast Screen Rotation Recommended!
- Can feel "a bit" faster but not lighting fast as the delay seem not from the sensor but rather from the UI.
For Mods #38,#39,#40,#41 ONLY select 1 option, if more then 1 option selected NOTHING will be install.
38. N8 FM Transmitter RDS Recommended!
- The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia N8" and not just "Nokia".
39. E7 FM Transmitter RDS
- The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia E7" and not just "Nokia".
40. C7 FM Transmitter RDS
- The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia C7" and not just "Nokia".
41. C6-01 FM Transmitter RDS
- The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia C6-01" and not just "Nokia".
42. Video Call FPS Improvement Recommended!
- Slightly change the video call setting fps from original min/norm/max of 5/10/15 to 10/15/20. Not tested as not really use video call.
43. Database Max Record Count Recommended!
- Experimental mod, Increase database from 20 to 50.
44. HWRM Process Priority Recommended!
- Experimental mod, Hardware sensor priority change from background to foreground.
45. Music Player Equalizer Recommended!
- Add in additional 10 EQ presets, Flat/Speech/Enhance/Treble booster/Bass & Treble/ZigZag/Half-V/Full-V/Half-A/Full-A
EQ Presets Overview
For Mods #46,#47,#48, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.
46. Auto Landscape/Portrait Screen
- Add in lots of apps (>500 apps) UID into the default apps orientaion to follow the hardware accelerometer sensor.
(not all apps will follow as not all of them are follow the cenrep configurations, won't work for the Call Screen)
47. Permanent Landscape Screen
- Add in lots of apps (>500 apps) UID into the default apps orientaion to be in Landscape and disable the accelerometer sensor within the setting.
(not all apps will follow as not all of them are follow the cenrep configurations, won't work for the Call Screen)
48. Permanent Portrait Screen
- Add in lots of apps (>500 apps) UID into the default apps orientaion to be in Portrait and disable the accelerometer sensor within the setting.
(not all apps will follow as not all of them are follow the cenrep configurations)
49. Charger Note Disable Recommended!
- Disable the Charger notification note.
50. PwrSave Note Disable Recommended!
- Disable the Power Saving mode notification note.
51. Camera Digital Zoom Recommended!
- Enable the dafault camera apps to have Digital Extended Zoom capability.
52. Max Volume Recommended!
- Change most of the apps default volume setting to 100%.
53. Voice Recognition Improvement Recommended!
- Experimental mod, change the default Voice Recognition sensitivity and accuracy.
54. Default Profiles Fix Recommended!
- Enhance all profiles default setting, add in extra "In Office", "Driving", "Church", "Sleeping" profiles (useful if you have Nokia Situation installed)
(This mods changed all profiles able to "VIBRATE" although in Power Saver mode, but the mods will be reset IF you re-trigger the Power Saver manually ONCE)
55. Battery Level Fix Recommended!
- Change the default battery indicator from 100>70>50>40>30>20>10 to 100>80>65>50>35>20>10
(This mods only for eye candy, no real changes regarding the devices NON-Linear battery indicator behaviour)
56. Popup UI Improvement Recommended!
- Experimental mod, change the default Popup UI delay.
57. XCAP Cache Increase Recommended!
- Experimental mod, increased the XCAP Cache size.
58. Critical System Apps Recommended!
- Experimental mod, included RAMBlow, PocketSensor and PocketLock UID into the critical system apps list.
Anyway, To :
Uninstall the mods:
1. Use normal uninstall apps method to uninstall the mods.
2. REBOOT the phone.
3. All will back to original state.
Modify or Re-select the mods:
1. Use normal uninstall apps method to uninstall the mods.
2. REBOOT the phone.
3. Run the signed .sis.
4. Select the mods that you like to install.
5. REBOOT the phone.
Update mods version:
1. Use normal uninstall apps method to uninstall the old mods.
2. REBOOT the phone.
3. Run the signed up-rev .sis.
4. Select the mods that you like to install.
5. REBOOT the phone.
Enjoy it and Credits to the following modders/users for their efforts to make this multiple mods packages a reality
Szakalit for the sources of EVERYTHINGS!
Faenil for the original H2O mods (the possibility of un-hacked installation)!
CODeRUS for the S60V5 cenreps documentations!
NP for the S60V5 cenreps documentations!
jnx_r for solutions on the installation bugs!
TrinityAlex for discovering the Startup/Shutdown mods typo error!
PimpJuice for the new KS Type B setting!