Tuesday, June 7, 2011

[Did You Know?] You Can Disable Active Diverts Note for S^3 ?

Posted on 22:21 by SlipKoRnSaad

Hello folks ! To continue the series of symbian^3 hacking and mods, here's another mod by CODeRUS

Requirements :

- Hacked Symbian^3 device
- Modded R&D FileBrowser that comes with Just Hackit!

How To?

1- Download DisableActiveDivertsNoteS^3.zip or DisableActiveDivertsNoteAnna.zip (if you're running Anna update)
2- Unpack and copy it to C drive using modded R&D FileBrowser that comes with Just Hackit!
(be careful, and copy/overwrite each file(s) in dedicated folder on C)
3- Reboot and enjoy calling without annoying popup note

All credits goes to CODeRUS !