Sunday, June 26, 2011

[Modding] Equalizer Editor Enabler !

Posted on 13:07 by SlipKoRnSaad

Hello folks ! To continue the series of symbian^3 hacking and mods,

Do you remember my first tip to Create and Edit Custom Equalizer On your N8?   Now there's another mod by CODeRUS enabling the equalizer creation and editing from the native s^3 music player ;)

Requirements :

- Hacked Symbian^3 device
- Modded R&D FileBrowser that comes with Just Hackit!

How To?

1- Download
2- Unpack and copy it to C drive using modded R&D FileBrowser that comes with Just Hackit!
(be careful, and copy/overwrite each file(s) in dedicated folder on C)
3- Reboot and enjoy editing and creating equalizer as you wish !

All credits goes to CODeRUS !