Saturday, December 5, 2009

Don’t type it, just SlideIT!

Posted on 21:43 by SlipKoRnSaad

Do you remember DayHand?

- SlideIT is a new and revolutionary way to enter text easily and fast, and in a way that is much more fun than existing methods.

- From now on, just Slide along the letters with your finger or stylus,and words “magically” appear.

- Accuracy is not required.

All you have to do is to open slideit with dayhandinput (choose option "slideIT" under Akpth)

You can see a brief demo on My Samsung Omnia HD :

You can buy the latest SlideIT version for receive full keyboard functionality or you can download a SlideIT demo for FREE.

Download unsigned demo and fully functional version 

Download a modded version for Samsung Omnia HD