Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Recognition of My-Symbian !
This petition started by some my-symbian forum members is to serve a positive notice to Nokia in the importance of embracing a relationship with the My-Symbian forum for 10 years of consistent pro-Symbian, pro-Nokia products with truth in education, support, and thorough reviews which have enhanced the over-all public viewpoint and relationship towards Nokia and Symbian products.
We believe that, by signing this petition, that www.my-symbian.com website, owned, paid-for, supported, by the great and respectful Michal Jerz, should be a viable means of product knowledge and support for Symbian and Maemo products alike, mostly based on Nokia handsets, and recognized by the Nokia community with by posting links to the said site and offering possible support to continue the real-life knowledge and support in which the My-Symbian community provides as a free-of-charge portal.
As a blogger and an early fan of Symbian since the 7650, i bilieve that My-Symbian.com is probably the oldest Symbian site out there, definitely the longest running Communicator site on the internet and Michal is a very interesting guy
Please support this valuable site to assist your products now and in the future with the quality that is has for 10 years now, AND, enable Michal Jerz the ability to somehow be on your fore-front in market demo deployment so that he may continue to produce the highest quality reviews, which he has already done so many times, promoting and supporting your great products to 10's if not 100's of thousands of people globally.
Thank you,
If you like the my-symbian site and would like more high quality in-depth reviews from Michal, please visit and sign THIS PETITION TO NOKIA
Ps : Don't you know My-Symbian? See one of my posts then !