Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Samsung IQ Competition's Winners Announced : A Joke !?

Posted on 06:23 by SlipKoRnSaad

In its compaing (it’s all about widgets on the home screen of the i8910 HD using Samsung Mobile Widget technology) to sponsor the Samsung Innovation Quest (aka Samsung IQ) in conjunction with Samsung Mobile Innovator, yesterday, the 3 "BIG" winners have been announced, here are the quotes :

First Place (£15,000) - Oh my Tweet

Oh my Tweet! We love this cool widget that brings the functionality of Twitter to the home screen of the Touch Wiz UI with a dynamic, easy to read, interface that can be minimized to take up less space on the home-screen. It has all the Twitter functions you need and it's a Samsung Mobile Widget that we think our customers are going to love.

Second Place (£8,000) - Twitter Tiny

Looks like Twitter definitely captured the imagination of our entrants, because our second place Samsung Mobile Widget is also a Twitter client. With innovative collapsible tabs, Twitter Tiny uses minimal space on the Samsung Touch Wiz UI.

Third Place (£5,000) - LoveOMeter (What? Seriously !)

Think love's irrational? Our second pace winner LoveOMeter tries to bring some logic (and fun!) to the situation. Simply enter your name, and the name of your partner, and check out how well you and your partner match. Want to compare yourselves to other users? Click on the statistics icon to get an overview of what the world is matching on!

Let's say, a decent twitter widget can be excused, since Twitter users are in general (statistics) 18-34 year old...

The second prize? having TWO twitter-widgets among the top 3? Why not for a decent Facebook Widget?

The third prize? A Love meter? Why not a decent agenda widget wich shows on what dates you have appointments etc? Or Widget to display To Do list / Tasks only

How about a memo-widget, and the notes-app see eachother. so that you could use a note to show up in a memowidget on your homescreens.

Or, a mail notifier widget / windows live widget

Anyways...congratulations winners :)